Saturday, September 23, 2006

Roommate reunion weekend

How fun to all get together...and to now all have kids!! The boys are going to show Brynne the ropes one day soon.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

houston baby shower

First baby shower - it was beautiful...and a blast!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

24 weeks

This picture doesn't do justice for how large I feel. She has really grown since the last pic. Atleast I tell myself it's her...

23 week ultrasound

Brynne was moving like crazy and sucking her thumb at her 23 week ultrasound. She has been growing like crazy, now weighing 1 lb, 8 oz. They gave us a little scare after finding a calcification in the left ventricle of her heart. All her testing came out normal though and the Dr. says she's perfectly healthy! Praise God!