Sunday, November 05, 2006

Brynne is coming soon!

We finished up Brynne's room this weekend. Here' some pics for the distant family and friends to see. It's so exciting that she is almost here. We have made many futile attempts to prepare our spoiled lab for what is about to happen. The dog trainer has said to use a doll to train him - but between him liking it to death, jumping up to lick the feet, and pulling off the doll clothes when we're not watching, we have been failing miserably. Beau says labs are the best child dog their is, it's just going to take time. However, we had a victory this weekend and I had to share. Rocky actually feels the need to protect us when I rock her and this doll cries - which sends Rocky into a fussy to protect it because something is wrong! I'm looking forward to the days when Brynne will be able to cuddle with Rocky like we do. Right now, he's the prince of this house and rules it to no end. The spoiled puppy is in for a rude awakening in 6-7 weeks!!


Ashley said...

Brynne's room looks great! Y'all have done such a great job decorating! Kaelyn & Shae can't wait to meet her!

Amanda said...

Her nursery is so beautiful! I can't wait to see it in person!