Brynne had a blast this Christmas, several times! We met her grandparents in Virginia to visit her great aunt and cousins, and then had Christmas with the Schmidt family here in Dallas. This girl made out like a bandit..I've never seen so many presents! It was so fun to have a baby around for Christmas! Every present she opened we heard "oooooo."
We have to get better at using the camera..we really didn't take many pics!
I will say it was our neatest Christmas yet. Brynne decided it was nap time around the time we were supposed to leave for Christmas Eve service. So she could last for the Christmas festivities later that night, we decided to stay home and have our own church at home while our family went. It couldn't have been more special. Beau and I read Luke 2, prayed together, and praised together. We couldn't be more thankful "for The great news that will bring joy to all people..." and just as the shepherds returned, our hearts "glorifed and praised God for all the things we have heard and seen..." Daily we looked at our child we love SO much, at my mom who has come through so many trials, and how strong Christ has made our marriage, and we were reminded of God's strong love for us. Merry was very merry indeed!
Brace yourself. You're family if you get to see this pic. Bedhead early in the morning. We were in Virginia, so an hour earlier hurt.
We got to meet Missy and Mark for brunch!
Mimi showing Brynne the ropes with this present opening business! Brynne is obsessed with Elmo!!
The day we got back home...we're all a little delirious! Brynne should get an award for the biggest blue eyes around. Here she is crawling on mommy, asking for "juice."
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!