Sunday, July 01, 2007

'Ode to Amy

Hopefully you have one of those friends.
They're the friend that knows what you're thinking before you say it, they know when you're down or when you have something to confess. They know what you need to cheer you up, what needs to be said when you've been off track and you need a genuine kick in the bum, and they recognize the times when you need to hang out but say nothing. I met Amy freshman year of college. We were accountability partners in our Bible study and have been ever since. We have stayed as close as sisters despite several moves, and then the Lord brought us back into the same town in '04. She's the friend that will drop whatever and be there in a second...and being within miles from each other, that has happened often over the last 3 years. This weekend, she is moving back to Corpus. It is the best thing for her and her family, but my heart is in mourning. This friendship is truly divine intervention and has made a major impact in my life. I know we will continue to stay close and visit each other...we already have our web cams set up to go. I'll miss you Amy! Thanks for being the amazing friend you are! - Mel

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