Monday, November 05, 2007

Walk in Humility

Those who walk in pride, He is able to humble - Daniel 4:37

Pride is:
The first to blame others
The first to tell us why we're right
The first to hurt others in response to our hurt
The first to hide our sin
The first to say we already know the answer
The first to steal God's glory

Pride so easily creeps up in different areas of our lives. Whether or not we seek His Truth and transparency in all areas is our choice. Scripture tells us He will not allow us to be tempted without a way out. This scripture is highly misquoted today as "He won't give you more than YOU can handle." This could not be more false. God gives us trials that are more than we can handle so we'll run to Him, seek His will, and bow a knee. Learning these truths is never easy, and at times painful. As much as I protest them, I thank God for the times of difficulty because they are what sharpen, teach, and mold us into servants more like Him.
I love that God promises us that the Word will transform us...each time! The same stories I have read over and over, come at me with a whole new angle and lesson when I lay pride aside and pray for clarity.
This is my prayer for you friends - that you would pray for purity and allow Christ to show you the areas of pride where He as not been allowed in. That "you would not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing, and perfect will."


Amanda said...

Sister, I have been struggling so much with pride lately! Ahhh! The Lord and I have been dealing with it constantly. Thanks for this good word. Pray for me if you think about it. Love you!

Michelle said...

Good Word sister! Seriously I think the Lord is trying to tell me something! Yours is the third post I have read on humility! Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

My search on humility took me to your site. Thank you for the words on pride. Bringing greetings from Pittsburgh, PA. God bless you.

Unknown said...
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